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MIC5265 Datasheet, PDF

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MIC5265 Part Attribute

  • Description The MIC5265 is a 150mA LDO in lead-free Thin SOT-23-5 packaging that is perfect for applications where cost is the priority. The MIC5265 is ideal for any application in portable electronics, including both RF and digital applications. With good output noise and high PSRR, the MIC5265 is ideal for noise sensitive applications such as RF. While the fast transient response and active shutdown circuitry makes it well-suited for powering digital circuitry. The MIC5265 has a 2.7V to 5.5V input operating voltage range, making it optimal for operation from a single-cell lithium ion battery or fixed 3.3V and 5V systems. The MIC5265 comes with an enable pin and can be put into a zero off-mode current state. The MIC5265 offers low dropout voltage (210mV at 150mA), low noise (57 µVrms), high PSRR, and integrates an active shutdown circuit on the output of each regulator to discharge the output voltage when disabled.
  • Part No. MIC5265
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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