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MIC29371 Datasheet, PDF

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MIC29371 Part Attribute

  • Description The MIC2937A family are "bulletproof" efficient voltage regulators with very low dropout voltage (typically 40mV at light loads and 300mV at 500mA) and very low quiescent current (160µA typical). The quiescent current of the MIC2937A increases only slightly in dropout, thus prolonging battery life. Key MIC2937A features include protection against reversed battery, fold-back current limiting, and automotive load-dump protection (60V positive transient). The MIC2937 is available in several configurations. The MIC2937A-xx devices are 3-pin fixed voltage regulators with 3.3V, 5V, and 12V outputs available. The MIC29371 is a fixed regulator offering logic-compatible on/off switching input and an error flag output. This flag may also be used as a power-on reset signal. A logic-compatible shutdown input is provided on the adjustable MIC29372 that enables the regulator to be switched on and off.
  • Part No. MIC29371
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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