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MCP19114 Datasheet, PDF

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MCP19114 Part Attribute

  • Description The MCP19114 is a mid-voltage (4.5-42V) analog-based PWM controller with an integrated 8-bit PICTM Microcontroller. This unique product family combines the performance of a high-speed analog solution, including high-efficiency and fast transient response, with the configurability and communication interface of a digital solution. Combining these solution types creates a new family of devices that maximizes the strengths of each technology to create a more cost-effective, configurable, high-performance power conversion solution. Please Note: Our MCP19114 is a smaller, functionally equivalent version of our MCP19115. The MCP19114 and MCP19115 development tools, including both hardware and software tools, provide a convenient and powerful development platform upon which to develop and evaluate your Boost and Buck/Boost power supply design.
  • Part No. MCP19114
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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