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MCP1825 Datasheet, PDF

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MCP1825 Part Attribute

  • Description The MCP1825/MCP1825S is a 500 mA Low Dropout (LDO) linear regulator that provides high current and low output voltages. The MCP1825 comes in a fixed or adjustable output voltage version, with an output voltage range of 0.8V to 5.0V. The 500 mA output current capability, combined with the low output voltagecapability, make the MCP1825 a good choice for new sub-1.8V output voltage LDO applications that have high current demands. The MCP1825S is a 3-pin fixed voltage version. The MCP1825/MCP1825S is stable using ceramic output capacitors that inherently provide lower output noise and reduce the size and cost of the entire regulator solution. Only 1 μF of output capacitance is needed to stabilize the LDO.
  • Part No. MCP1825
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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