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MCP1755S Datasheet, PDF

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MCP1755S Part Attribute

  • Description The MCP1755/MCP1755S is a 16 volt, high PSRR voltage regulator with short circuit current foldback. The MCP1755/MCP1755S regulator provides up to 300 mA of current. The input operating voltage range is specified from 3.6V to 16V continuous, 18V absolute maximum, making it ideal for automotive and commercial 12 VDC systems. The MCP1755/ MCP1755S typically delivers 70 dB of ripple rejection at 1 kHz, making the device ideal for AC sensitive applications like GFCI and AFCI circuit breaker designs. The Current Foldback feature is a true short circuit current foldback. The device current will fall back towards 10 mA under short circuit conditions. When the short is removed, the device will recover and continue operating.
  • Part No. MCP1755S
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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