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MCP14628 Datasheet, PDF

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MCP14628 Part Attribute

  • Description The MCP14628 is a synchronous MOSFET gate driver used for driving MOSFETs in a rectified bridge arrangement. This type of arrangement is typical of synchronous buck converter topologies. There are two separate drivers contained in the MCP14628. The low-side gate driver output drives a non-floating or ground reference N-Channel MOSFET. The high-side driver is designed to drive a floating N-Channel MOSFET. since the N-Channel is floating, this output needs to be able to handle the high voltages required to fully turn on the high-side MOSFET. An external bootstrap capacitor is used to provide the additional voltage. The MCP14628 is available in a surface mount 8 Lead SOIC package with a body width of 150 mils and the 8 Lead 3 x 3 mm DFN package.
  • Part No. MCP14628
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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