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LM2937 Datasheet, PDF

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LM2937 Part Attribute

  • Description The UTC LM2937 is a positive voltage regulator capable of supplying up to 500mA of load current. The use of a PNP power transistor provides a low dropout voltage characteristic. With a load current of 500mA the minimum input to output voltage differential required for the output to remain in regulation is typically 0.5V(1V guaranteed maximum over the full operating temperature range). Special circuitry has been incorporated to minimize the quiescent current to typically only 10mA with a full 500mA load current when the input to output voltage differential is greater than 3V. The UTC LM2937 requires an output bypass capacitor for stability. As with most low dropout regulators, the ESR of this capacitor remains a critical design parameter, but the LM2937 includes special compensation circuitry that relaxes ESR requirements. The UTC LM2937 is stable for all ESR below 3Ω.This allows the use of low ESR chip capacitors. Ideally suited for automotive applications, the UTC LM2937 will protect itself and any load circuitry from reverse battery connections, two-battery jumps and up to +60V/-50V load dump transients. Familiar regulator
  • Part No. LM2937
  • Manufacturer 友顺-UTC

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