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CS5032 Datasheet, PDF

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CS5032 Part Attribute

  • Description The CS5032 integrates red, green, blue (RGB) color sensor, ambient light (clear) sensor and temperature sensor together with anI2C interface in a small RoHS-compliant ODFN package. The Color and ALS detection features provide red (R), green (G), blue (B) and clear (C) light intensity data. Each R, G, B, C channels have a color blocking filter and a dedicated ADC producing up to 16-bit data simultaneously in a time-to-frequency format design architecture. These features are ideal for applications of display panel brightness adjustments, ambient color-sensing and color-temperature measurement in mobile and LCD TV devices. These functions benefit end users by improving eye comfort, and optimizing device battery life.
  • Part No. CS5032
  • Manufacturer 敦宏-DYNA

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