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TJA1041AU Datasheet, PDF

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TJA1041AU Part Attribute

  • Description The TJA1041A provides an advanced interface between the protocol controller and the physical bus in a Controller Area Network (CAN) node. The TJA1041A is primarily intended for automotive high-speed CAN applications (up to 1 Mbit/s). The transceiver provides differential transmit capability to the bus and differential receive capability to the CAN controller. The TJA1041A is fully compatible to the ISO 11898 standard, and offers excellent ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) performance, very low power consumption, and passive behavior when supply voltage is off. The advanced features include: Low-power management, supporting local and remote wake-up with wake-up source recognition and the capability to control the power supply in the rest of the node Several protection and diagnosis functions including short circuits of the bus lines and first battery connection Automatic adaptation of the I/O-levels, in line with the supply voltage of the controller
  • Part No. TJA1041AU
  • Manufacturer 恩智浦-NXP

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