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SKY73086 Datasheet, PDF

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SKY73086 Part Attribute

  • Description The SKY73086 is a fully integrated diversity mixer that includesLocal Oscillator (LO) drivers, an LO switch, high linearity mixers,and large dynamic range Intermediate Frequency (IF) amplifiers.Low loss RF baluns have also been included to reduce designcomplications and lower system cost.The SKY73086 features an input IP3 of +24.4 dBm and a NoiseFigure (NF) of 11 dB, making the device an ideal solution for highdynamic range systems such as 2G/3G base station receivers.The LO switch provides more than 60 dB of isolation between LOinputs and supports the switching time required for GSM/EDGEbase stations.The SKY73086 is manufactured using a robust silicon BiCMOSprocess and has been designed for optimum long-term reliability.The SKY73086 diversity downconversion mixer is provided in acompact, 36-pin Multi-Chip Module (MCM).Please note: SKY73086-21 is being discontinued and is not recommended for new designs.
  • Part No. SKY73086
  • Manufacturer 思佳讯-Skyworks

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