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MIC5366 Datasheet, PDF

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MIC5366 Part Attribute

  • Description The MIC5365/6 is an advanced general purpose linear regulator offering high power supply rejection (PSRR) in an ultra-small 1mm x 1mm package. The MIC5366 includes an auto-discharge feature that is activated when the enable pin is low. The MIC5365/6 is capable of sourcing 150mA output current and offers high PSRR, making it a great solution for any portable electronic application. Ideal for battery-powered applications, the MIC5365/6 offers 2% initial accuracy, low dropout voltage (180mV at 150mA), and low ground current (typically 32µA). The MIC5365/6 can also be put into a zero off-mode current state, drawing virtually no current when disabled. The MIC5365/6 is available in several advanced packages, occupying only 1mm2 of PCB area, a 75% reduction in board area compared to SC-70. It is also available in an SC-70-5 package. The MIC5365/6 has an operating junction temperature range of - 40°C to 125°C.
  • Part No. MIC5366
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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