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93AA46AE48 Datasheet, PDF

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93AA46AE48 Part Attribute

  • Description The Microchip Technology Inc. 93AA46AE48 device is a 1 Kbit low-voltage serial Electrically Erasable PROM (EEPROM) featuring an 8-bit word size. The 93AA46AE48 is programmed at the factory with a globally unique EUI-48 node address stored at the beginning of the array.The 93AA46AE48 is available in standard 8-lead SOIC and 6-lead SOT-23.The 93AA46AE48 is designed to be compatible with the following Microchip/SMSC Ethernet controllers: LAN9210, LAN9211, LAN9215, LAN9217, LAN9218, LAN9220, LAN9221, LAN9115, LAN9116, LAN9117, and LAN9118. These controllers will automatically detect and load the EUI-48 node address from the 93AA46AE48 at start-up.
  • Part No. 93AA46AE48
  • Manufacturer 微芯-Microchip

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