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8T49N242 Datasheet, PDF

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8T49N242 Part Attribute

  • Description The 8T49N242 has one fractional-feedback PLL that can be used as a frequency translator with jitter attenuation or a frequency synthesizer. It is equipped with four integer output dividers, allowing the generation of up to four different output frequencies, ranging from 8 kHz to 1 GHz. Output frequencies can be completely independent of the input frequencies. The four outputs may select among LVPECL, LVDS, HCSL or LVCMOS output levels. The 8T49N242 is ideal for use in a wide range of equipment, including 10G/40G/100G SONET/SDH and Ethernet network line cards, wireless base station baseband units, broadcast video. carrier Ethernet switches, OTN, or in test and measurement applications. For example, the 8T49N242 can be used in GbE/10GbE/100GbE Synchronous Ethernet line card applications in order to preserve the G.8262 compliance from the Synchronous Equipment Timing Source (SETS) on the timing card. IDT’s third generation Universal Frequency Translator family also includes the 8T49N241 (2-in / 1-PLL / 4-out), the 8T49N285 (2-in / 1-PLL / 8-out), the 8T49N286 (4-in / 2-PLL / 8-out) and the 8T49N287 (2-in / 2-PLL / 8-out). These devices are complemented by the 82P33714 and 82P33731 synchronous equipment timing source (SETS) for Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) and 10G-40G SyncE, respectively. To see other devices in this product family, visit the Universal Frequency Translators page.
  • Part No. 8T49N242
  • Manufacturer 瑞萨-Renesas

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