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74LVC16240ADGG Datasheet, PDF

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74LVC16240ADGG Alternate Parts

74LVC16240ADGG Part Attribute

  • Description The 74LVC16240A is a 16-bit inverting buffer/line driver with 3-state outputs. The device can be used as four 4-bit buffers, two 8-bit buffers or one 16-bit buffer. The device features four output enables (1OE, 2OE, 3OE and 4OE), each controlling four of the 3-state outputs. A HIGH on nOE causes the outputs to assume a high-impedance OFF-state. Inputs can be driven from either 3.3 V or 5 V devices. When disabled, up to 5.5 V can be applied to the outputs. These features allow the use of these devices in mixed 3.3 V and 5 V applications. This device is fully specified for partial power-down applications using IOFF. The IOFF circuitry disables the output, preventing the damaging backflow current through the device when it is powered down.
  • Part No. 74LVC16240ADGG
  • Manufacturer 安世-Nexperia

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